What is your favorite part of the female body?

The amygdala, followed by the islets of Langerhans.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Brain, legs, eyes.


I'm watching some specialist videos
I think that it changes from girl to girl. I don't really have a favourite body part as such, tits, bum, legs, pussy.

If I am looking at pictures, the the girl can be as awful, personality wise, as she likes, but in person - I can't stand fools, not matter how hot the body.
Knowing the personality of a girl in a picture can also make a big difference.
im an epidermis fan myself

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Legs. :thumbsup:

That's usually what I notice first on a female. Unless it's winter. It's hard to see if her legs are sexy when she's wearing snow pants.
I was going to say "the brain" AS a joke, but I see that the brain was already claimed BY a joke. So I'm going to go with the most under-appreciated part of the female body in the adult entertainment industry- the face. You can get frankentit bolt-ons, lipo, botox, collagen lip injections, etc, but there's no replacement for a beautiful face. There are probably more butterfaces in porn than anywhere else. Just note that this thread was started by somebody who has no such issue.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Face, lips, eyes, and of course the breasts.