Great Lakes Eliot Ness
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Great Lakes Eliot Ness
I like mostly lagers and ales. For everyday drinking you can't beat a Budweiser but when I get the chance I love to quaff down a cold Shiner Bock, Newcastle Brown, Negro Modelo, Dos Equis (lager or amber) or, when I want to get really provincial, I'll pick up a couple of six-packs of Little Kings Creme Ale from Schoenling. Lastly, If you want to get blitzed in a hurry for cheap, you can't beat a Mickey's Big Mouth!
Hmmmm....almost beer thirty. Think I'll crack one open now....:glugglug: :beer:
Belgian beer, best in the world !
Hertog Jan
or Jupiler
Molson, Moosehead and Guinness.
Thanks God we still have these things in our fucking counrty. :thumbsup: