Hiliary 2020
my action figures,
mego superheroe's, GI joe, Big Jim's, Pulsar, stretch armstrong, micronuats, six million dollar man, ect.
plus my army men and variations of army men like knights, cowboys indians, ect.
SuperJocks and that football that vibrated.Ricochet Rockets were cool too mayhem. I had them.
I had all these ding a ling robots I loved, had them all.
Games, Stay Alive, stratego, voice of the mummy.
I used to collect old toys until a few years ago when I sold my collection.
I think when I was a kid I had almost every toy made between 1970-1980.
mego superheroe's, GI joe, Big Jim's, Pulsar, stretch armstrong, micronuats, six million dollar man, ect.
plus my army men and variations of army men like knights, cowboys indians, ect.
SuperJocks and that football that vibrated.Ricochet Rockets were cool too mayhem. I had them.
I had all these ding a ling robots I loved, had them all.
Games, Stay Alive, stratego, voice of the mummy.
I used to collect old toys until a few years ago when I sold my collection.
I think when I was a kid I had almost every toy made between 1970-1980.