********** said:
I like everything from D to enormous though I have nothing against smaller.
I don't think terms like "optimal" should be applied to beautiful women. All breast sizes are beautiful. The vast majority of women have A-C. We have to remember that and not impose unrealistic expectations.
I agree that all breasts are basically beautiful but I do think they are more beautiful if they are big. And why can't we talk about "optimal" cup size? We all have preferences about everything in life so whats wrong with liking a certain kind of breasts? Why can't I like bigger breasts more than small? It has nothing to do with disrespect to women or "imposing unrealistic expectations". It's only about what you like the most if you could chose. It's not difference to prefere big tits than prefer a pretty face or brunettes. Or prefer tea instead of coffee. Of cause I fall in love with small breasted women to, since there is more than a body to a woman.
********** said:
The second two choices in the poll are both generally only achievable by massive enhancement
Are you serious? I of cause there are women with natural busts in those sizes. I see women like that from time to time even in real life. And on the web there are huge amounts of them. I'm not talking about silicone/fake because I don't even like fakes. I would rather have a woman with small breasts than one with huge fake ones.
I can see some of you don't care much about the size of the breasts and some care more about the size/shape of the body. But mabe you are not all breast-men either
One person mentioned that there should be more options between AA-C cups. I agree that it is a big difference from not having any breasts at all (AA) to having a handfull (C). But I put them in the same category since I consider them all to be in the small range. Of cause I could have made one option for every cup size but that would have been a little to much.
Many of you seem to very much take into consideration shape and size of the girl. And based on that you want smaller or bigger boobs. Yes it's true that the same boobs that look rather big on a thin lady look quite small on a thick lady. So I also agree that the bigger woman would require bigger boobs to look good. But I would never think that a C cup is big even if the woman has a thin frame. And I would never think ANY woman of ANY shape or size would look better with smaller boobs! I want them huge and natural thats me. Also I'm not so much into super firm ballon style titties

They should hang in my oppinion. Btw there's there's no such thing as "freak big"

There's only "unusually well endowed".
Finaly, it might be hard to chose between all those cup sizes, I realize that you like breasts of various shapes and sizes, but vote for the size that you would take if you could choose between any of them in a lineup. Also of cause there's much more to a woman than boobs but we can all have fun and talk about big breasts anyway can't we?