Anyway,for me the optimal boobs would be from DDD to EEE
silicone tits.
Natural would do too if they would look good.But that`s really rare with these sizes.
And I really like the thought of that the babe has taken those silicones in order to look sexier.
That last sentence may cause some eyebrow rising

but you see,I`m from Scandinavia and over here feminism is a big thing among young women,and
everything that is considered pleasing men is a huge no-no.Even make-up is a bad thing for the most hardcore feminists,let alone sexy clothes.So there is a huge social barrier to be faced if one want`s to take silicones,and she can be sure that afterwards all the women are whispering compliments like "looks like whore!","what a bimbo" etc behind her back.No one is willing to admit in public that she would like to have silicones and everybody just keeps on murmuring about the natural beauty being so much superior than anything you can add afterwards.Especially for a male it would be very stupid to say anything pro silicone in public,because you would be crusified as a chauvinist pig in a fraction of a second...
So with a background like this it feels very refreshing to see women with implants,and who actually wants to look sexy in male eyes.
Ofcourse every woman wants,but over here it`s just not acceptable to admit or show it.
I don`t like feminists and silicone tits are pretty damn good sign of feminism-free babe