What is the latest good film you watched ?


Adam said I am a Noodle Brain
Saw the following films today :-

Weird Science (film was ok but a cult film though)

A white white day (Good foreign film)

The Two Faces of January (Great film)

Charlies Angels (the 2019 one with Kristen Stewart) - Not the best film, even comparing it to the Cameron Diaz version, but a nice cheesy film to pass time
Is that any good? I take its the same all female cast as previous one?
No, they brought back the original cast (the guys), which you'd think is what they should have done in the first place if they wanted to play off of the nostalgia..
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Sir Alex Ferguson Never Give in

The brand new testament

The personal history of David Copperfield

High - rise

Racer and the Jailbird