Silent Night (2012), a loose remake of the original B-movie classic, "Silent Night, Deadly Night." Malcolm McDowell was in this, interestingly enough, but [NOBABE]the star[/NOBABE] was [NOBABE]Jaime King[/NOBABE] as a widowed cop who has to find out the identity and whereabouts of the axe wielding madman wearing a Santa suit and mask. Unlike the sequels, this movie actually falls in line with the formula the original presented. Stupid, sinning people, getting killed. Also a bit of a throwback to the original with a topless woman getting killed, whereas in the original, every woman that died, were topless! So the sleaze factor is not as high as the original, but the gore, fuck yeah!
Canadians prove once again to me that they are masters of genre films. There's some deep character development with King and even [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE] Santa, so it's not totally mindless. A whole lot of fun!