What is the latest good film you watched ?

I watched Blade Runner for the first time today.

OK, it was fun for a bit, there were some great effects and cityscapes and the whole 80s neo-noir is always fun when done correctly. BUT, I was really disappointed considering the hype. None of the replicants were developed and none were interesting enough to be entertaining on their own. Rutger Hauer was fucking awesome, but barely used until the end and then, after some cool sadistic craziness, his character just fell as flat as possible.

Visually it was impressive and there was an interesting world created, but the story itself was clumsy and generic.


For the EMPEROR!!
The Blues Brothers .. full un-cut version


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ivanhoe, it's a traditional for me, I watch it every year.


Postal Paranoiac
The Emerald Forest. Reminded me of how unoriginal the plot for Avatar was.