What is the latest good film you watched ?

Got back from watching Grown Ups. It wasn't the funniest Sandler movie but it had its moments.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
OK, I just watched Hostel, again, and Hostel II for the first time. Tons of hot babes in both, except in part 2 ya got two American actresses, both fuckin gorgeous, Bijou Phillips & Jordan Ladd who normally can't wait to get naked in a movie and neither one does! WTF?
I recently watched Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland," and was surprisingly impressed. Pretty cool, with a nice (though predictable) soundtrack by Dan Elfman.
I hate modern day films, the good old days of the 70's and 80's were the best, Star Wars, Scarface, The Godfather. Films like Twilight and modern slapstick are very poor.

The only decent modern film I have seen is Casino Royale and Bourne Ultimatum.