What is the latest good film you watched ?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Really? cuz after watching it I still couldn't figure it out.


Sure it's easy to have guessed that he's crazy... but there were a lot of subtle things that lent themselves to questioning whether he really was crazy after all, and that is what left me wondering.

If you accept that he's crazy and it was staged, the question is how much of it was staged and how much was in his imagination? If all the conversations he had were real, especially with the other mental patients, then it casts some doubt.

I forgot what he says at the end, but that also granted a lot of
ambiguity about the whole thing.

See that's why I thought it was a slam dunk at the end. Cause if he really wasn't crazy, acting crazy again would be the worst thing he could do. Cause its off for the lobotomy now.

Did that make any sense. I hope that made sense. I don't want to end up in the lighthouse. :confused:
See that's why I thought it was a slam dunk at the end. Cause if he really wasn't crazy, acting crazy again would be the worst thing he could do. Cause its off for the lobotomy now.

Did that make any sense. I hope that made sense. I don't want to end up in the lighthouse. :confused:
But that was the point, he'd rather have a lobotomy than face the reality of what happened to him/what he did.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
But that was the point, he'd rather have a lobotomy than face the reality of what happened to him/what he did.

Very, very good. I never thought of that. I'm not kidding, with that in mind I could watch it again from a whole new perspective.
Ichi the Killer


persona non grata
Haute Tension
But that was the point, he'd rather have a lobotomy than face the reality of what happened to him/what he did.

but that lends to the notion of sanity, if he could indeed comprehend his situation to realize that was what would happen to him. I was thinking more along the lines of him refusing to cooperate with them as a last act of defiance in the face of the knowledge that he would never be allowed to leave.