i watched AMC's remake of "The Prisoner," I've got to say, i loved it
i wasn't even born when the first one was around but I knew the story
it was on tv, but it was 6 hours in total, i consider that a movie:tongue:
Wot?!? It was awful. Jim Caviezel as the hero was, unlike the defiant anti-authoritarian character of the original, a bland & uninteresting bloke doing little to escape from the bland uninteresting Village, not that I cared one way or the other what happened to him. It was mysterious & ambiguous for the sake of it as it was about nothing! The themes of the original still stand today, so why make it again unless you are going to do something equally as groundbreaking either visually or narratively.
The only people I can imagine loving it are those who are obsessed with self help/psychiatry. It appeared to be made by people that actively disliked the original as its message contradicted the original. Instead of the strength of the individual it was about becoming absorbed into community, instead of escape it was about conformity. & to top it all off it used the laziest most cliched plot device, amnesia!