What is the latest good film you watched ?


I only go to kids movies because I have a two year old:rofl:. It's ok, don't feel bad for me because I smoke a lot of pot before we go and it makes the movies fantastic. Then I have my way with a whole box of milk duds...:scream: The best kids movie i've seen as of late is ASTRO BOY starring ASTRO BOY. :spump:
I must not be that demanding of the movies I watch because I thought G.I Joe was good. It's not a great work of art but I found it to be everything I expected it to be: big, dumb, with a ludicrous story, but effective and entertaining. And to be honest that's pretty much how I remember the original cartoon from the 1980's (I am 32 now so you do the math)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life

I wouldn't have thought I'd like it, but I do. Very well done.

And finally I know that Optimus Prime is a good guy. :o :D

Oh and Megan Fox looks very hot in that movie!


Closed Account
Just watched an old school John Carpenter classic on Blu-Ray: Assault on Precinct 13 (and yes the original, not the un-needed forgettable remake).

Yet another noteable cult favorite from a very underrated genre film maker. Too bad that from the mid '90s onward he has indeed produced a lot of shit in my eyes, and I was honestly never too into Escape from New York from his golden early '80s period as well (lite blasphamey to some, I know, but I don't care). And the blu's of that film, as well as his The Thing redux and Anchor Bay's latest Halloween re-issue on blu, all look STUNNING. Easily the best I've seen of them, and I have all of his stuff on DVD as well.
Batman Begins

"He's here .."


"The BatmaaAaaaAn!"

Tai Chi Master (1993) With Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh and directed by Yuen Woo Ping. It was released in USA as Twin Dragons on video several years ago. This is a fantasitc and classic Kung Fu movie with the two leads at the top of their game. I can gush about this flick all day but I will let the movie speak for itself. I highly recommend this one!:banger:


Closed Account
Trick 'R Treat (which is actually a fairly new release, but as a lot of us genre fanatics know, really has been completed for roughly well over three years now). I have no idea why this short yet effective and finely imaginative and finely acted Anthology genre film, which has massice good sequel potential, was shelved when it's original and very good. Further proof that Hollywood doesn't really know what a good film is.

True me, it IS a damn fine film, and the Blu-Ray is gorgeous. I'm so never goin' back to DVD. Highly recommended. And Canadian/Kiwi hottie Anna Paquin was never more luscious.


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
Trick 'R Treat (which is actually a fairly new release, but as a lot of us genre fanatics know, really has been completed for roughly well over three years now). I have no idea why this short yet effective and finely imaginative and finely acted Anthology genre film, which has massice good sequel potential, was shelved when it's original and very good. Further proof that Hollywood doesn't really know what a good film is.

True me, it IS a damn fine film, and the Blu-Ray is gorgeous. I'm so never goin' back to DVD. Highly recommended. And Canadian/Kiwi hottie Anna Paquin was never more luscious.

The idiot suits at Hollywood didn't know how to market the film in the first place. But yeah, I defintely agree that Trick 'r Treat is a great horror film.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Die Hard 4.0