What is the latest good film you watched ?

dick van cock

Closed Account
I think some people need to be reminded that this thread is for good films!

I think some people need to actually read what I wrote about it ;)
Hmm... Happy, happy, happy!

I am not being addressed...

Pope Ratzi's latest decree says:

"Thou who deem dvc's recommendations mediocre are moronic enough to enjoy the Webcam Week..."

Hallelujah! Papal legacy, may thou be dispersed!"
"American Gangster" is good...but not great. I think I'm done with the "drug gangster" genre...I don't need to see any more films like this one again...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Bruce Campbell Vs Army of Darkness(aka Evil Dead 3)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Spark of Insanity.