What is the latest good film you watched ?

Enemy at the Gates

Excellent! :thumbsup:

BTW, knowing something about the weapons the two snipers used, they were very evenly matched between the bullet, power, velocity, trajectory and accuracy of the German 8mm Mauser and the Soviet Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R
The Million Dollar Hotel

dick van cock

Closed Account
La règle du jeu (8 / 10)


Not the masterpiece as it is hailed (too burlesque sometimes), but it has its incommensurate moments (massacre on rabbits and pheasants; comedy of errors finale)

Le juge et l'assassin (8 / 10)


How bizarre! Tavernier's best effort... He tells a tale of today set in the 1890s... My teachers called it an "allegory"... yeah, whatever! Maliciously great! :thumbsup:

The Man In the Iron Mask (7 / 10)


Outstanding acting. A seminal adventure movie. Very clever one, indeed!
28 Weeks Later (way better than the original).
Fracture. A clever-clever thriller with Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling, worth a watch.

dick van cock

Closed Account
At first I was skeptical, but now I'm pleasantly surprised by

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Thank God, it's not a cheesy remake, but rather updates the classic heist movies from the Sixties. Although, Topkapi still remains the best one... :D
Sleeping Dogs. It's an 18 rated version of Meet The Parents & Bridget Jones, with beastiality.