What is the latest BAD film you watched?

Killer B

I Like Big Tits! (song by Joe Walsh)
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (2013). I wasn't expecting a masterpiece but boring and unfunny make a bad film.


Please don't mock me...!
I watched Austenland...if there ever was a Chick-Flick this is it...fucking awful.
I was numb after it was over, realizing I just watched a videoized Romance Novel, but without Favio showing up.
Awrful, it was.
Contracted (2013) > having the driving force of the plot be "Our protagonist could not be a bigger idiot" rarely leads to a high-quality final product.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

I love dramas based around ancient Rome. But this politically correct, piece of crap, fantasy movie was enough to make me want to vomit. Thank goodness for The Eagle (excellent, well made movie). It took the taste of this cartoonish bit of nothing out of my mouth.

I love dramas based around ancient Rome. But this politically correct, piece of crap, fantasy movie was enough to make me want to vomit. Thank goodness for The Eagle (excellent, well made movie). It took the taste of this cartoonish bit of nothing out of my mouth.

Loved The Eagle.

A bad film I'm about to watch is The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. If the first Hobbit film is any indication, this should stink it up worse than dragon poo, even with Legolas.
White House Down

"Back to the nineties with Roland Emmerich" BLAAAH!
We've seen this film so many times before, no surprises.

The action is ok, but what really blew this film for me was the sentimental, sappy BS.
Channing Tatum's wiseass kid kept crying all the time. Cheesy lines, like "My daddy's going to put you in jail" just :brick::suicide::lame: .
Kind of pisses you off when things are climaxing the director keeps cutting to the crying kid every other second.

Aand Maggie Gyllenhaal is as annoying and ugly as ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig2tItOIRag
Still upset about the fact they cast her as Batman's love interest in TDK.

Now I'm going to go get some aspirin for this headache.
^ I thought that was supposed to be a spoof of Olympus Has Fallen.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"The Heat." I really wanted it to be good because..........Sandra fucking Bullock, but Melissa McCarthy sucks so much and the premise is such bullshit that I really couldn't suspend any disbelief that a foul mouthed violent cow would retain her job long enough to be a detective in a major American city. In the first five minutes she not only violated two individuals' civil rights, she threatened violence against an agent of the FBI. Her bullying of her male counter parts and her fucking Captain were fucking ridiculous. And anyone who knows anything knows that shit doesn't fly. And the fat jokes. Oh, the fucking fat jokes.
Paranormal Activity not scary and a little dull. That said for a budget of $11,000 its not a bad effort. Still its put me off watching the numerous sequels