The gameplay of Street Fighter V is really good. It's just that the game is mostly online only at the moment. It's pretty bare bones, there is no arcade mode or substantial story mode. There is a Survival Mode with multiple difficulties and quick 3 to 4 fight story mode for each character but a real story mode will be added in June for FREE. They just added Challenge mode last month which is pretty much like Trials from Street Fighter IV to help you with moves and combos. Capcom mostly had to get the game out so that it would be available for the fighting game tournaments.
They're also going to finally stop issuing mulitiple iterations of the same game with Street Fighter V. You will only need the one disc and everything else will be issued through DLC. You can earn fight money in game to purchase costumes and DLC characters, Alex from Street Fighter 3 has been released and another character will be released this month, either Guile, Balrog, Ibuki, Juri or Urien; they cost about 100,000 fight money, costumes are about 40,000 fight money. If you absolutely can't be bothered with earning fight money, which you have to play A LOT of Street Fighter online, then you can use real money to purchase the characters for about $6.00 and I believe $4.00 for costumes. So you can either use "game money" or real money but they're trying to entice you to use real money for instant gratification. A much better solution than with Street Fighter IV and their multiple iterations and costume DLC.
The game is also only available on PS4 and PC because Sony put up the money to make the game and Microsoft said no. Capcom has stated that no version of Street Fighter V, if they so happen to ever do a "Super, Ultra, Rainbow etc... edition will appear on Xbox One.