That's rough, I have two to spare if you are on ps3 and can go online.
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches
Unfortunately I can't get online with my PS3.
Looking at it's drop rate of around 3.5% and doing the math that I probably tried to farm it around 120 times the chances of my not seeing it are only about 1.4%. That's not luck so bad it's the reverse of winning the lottery or anything, but it's pretty bad and frustrating. The worst part is that when it gets like that you start to question if it's just random and you got very unlucky or if the game is glitching on you where you will feel stupid if you keep trying. There is no way to know. I don't want to keep at it another 50 times before I find out something is wrong. (Now that I think about it I didn't even see a purple or e-tech weapon all those times from Hellquest either)
If i was designing a game like that I think I would make the rates go up by how many times a person tried to farm a orange item from somebody that drops them. Like if you didn't get it each time you tried the rate an orange item would drop would go up by .5 percent on each failed attempt and then would drop back down once it happened. Even a rate increase of .1 percent each time would help a lot. By the time you tried as much as I did that would still be ten percent which would make it almost impossible not to get it soon unless the game really did glitch. I don't think it should necessarily be easy, but at some point grinding becomes very unfun and is more like mindless work.
I also don't like how the performance of the weapons is exponential in the second one instead of linear like the first one. In the first one if you got a good weapon it could last a long while. In the second game it started being overshadowed by common weapons three levels higher.