I have a question about Borderlands (single player vs co-op):
My buddy and I made characters on his 360 that were specifically co-op for the first Borderlands game. We made it through the first play through and then partially before the end of the second playthrough, the second game came out. For Borderlands 2, we made characters that were what we wanted them to be and didn't really take the co-op aspect into account.
So my question is, after only playing the games in co-op, how are the Borderlands games solo/single player? I have only played the games co-op and at first I just followed my buddy around pointing and shooting at anything that attacked us. The second playthrough of the first game, had me taking the lead at some points and eventually me becoming a badass at the game. Borderlands 2 I only played for about 4 hours, but my buddy and I ended up getting pretty far in the game. The reason that I'm asking is because I have thought about buying both games, but I don't know anything about them with just one person playing.