Mr. Nice gallery
Tomb Raider I just finished it today great game
Xenogears, an old PS1 game. I have played quite a few games but the story on this one is so much more awesome compared to them! Although the game has some annoying parts that will make you smash the controler...
Even with it being rushed at the end and not being finished like the makers wanted Xenogears is still my second favorite video game ever and has the second best plot of any video game I have ever played.
i only had a demo disc with xenogears on it. i never did get to play it. i bet its awesome..
I remember having that demo disc. I forget which game it came with. So there is a good chance we both have played that one to.
I even liked it's spiritual successor Xenosaga. That is until they kicked off the original writer and his wife because as one of them stated the producers wanted more explosions in it, and shortened the length from six to three games.I would have liked to see either Xenogears or Xenosaga done right as a series.
Has anybody played the new Bioshock game yet? Is it any good? .
i believe it came with Parasite Eve. i never got through Parasite Eve though i had part 1 and 2. too scary. i would get to the museum and quit. fuck that.
never been a fan of scary games.
Ah yes, Parasite Eve, that must be it. I did buy that game.
I wonder why you didn't complete it. Did you not like the game or was it just too much of a hassle after a while. I remember combat in the game becoming a pain in the ass after a while, although it was a quite some time ago and the mechanics of it aren't fresh in my mind.
It was the same way with Vagrant Story, except a lot worse. So much so that I actually didn't finish it got so bad. It had a nice setting, a great and varied assortment of enemies, good graphics for the time, a good plot, and the city was nice to get through, but the combat was just such a colossal pain the ass with the need to micromanage everything. One needed to deal with the constant, and I mean constant, weapon switching, the transferring of weapon characteristics, the equipment forging, and even worse than that the micromanaging certain abilities. Some abilities needed to be leveled and used at the exact right moment to even be able to defeat some of the opponents in the game. It got to the point that battles would drag on and on while you just sat there waiting for that small split second you had to press the button at just the right moment to reflect some damage back on your opponent (some of them it was the only way to hurt them), or to negate a devastating attack and the list goes on. It wasn't like that needed to be done only a couple of times per battle. Again the switching of weapons and armor was a pain. You even had to take stuff off or deequip weapons because it you attacked certain things with it or got hit with something it would make it weaker for something else. Sometimes you felt as if you had to open the menu just to switch weapons two or three times in the same room.
It was potentially one of the best and most brilliant games of era that was totally screwed up by the developers getting way WAY too cute and fancy with the mechanics of how battles were done. It became a chore to get through them instead of something that was remotely fun.
Has anybody played the new Bioshock game yet? Is it any good? I've heard various opinions on it's ending also. While nobody spoiled it for me the opinions ranged anywhere from them thinking it's one of the best ending ever to it's something that is overrated and their is no way anybody could make intuitive sense to see it coming by what they give you in the game before it, to they just pulled stuff out of left field to make it have shock value.