FFVII FFXI I was going to start MSG3 but I got busy :(
darkwarrior3007 Jan 13, 2013 #4,404 DC Universe Online on PS3 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on XBOX 360
quiet_guy256 Jan 16, 2013 #4,411 Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. So far I am enjoying it. Not as much as the last two DLCs, but it's still good!
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. So far I am enjoying it. Not as much as the last two DLCs, but it's still good!
squallumz knows petras secret: she farted. Jan 16, 2013 #4,413 1943 - nes. i also dabbled in final fantasy 3 nes (the real 3 not the "3" on snes which is actually 6.)
1943 - nes. i also dabbled in final fantasy 3 nes (the real 3 not the "3" on snes which is actually 6.)
TheSpokenWheel Jan 16, 2013 #4,414 quiet_guy256 said: Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. So far I am enjoying it. Not as much as the last two DLCs, but it's still good! Click to expand... I need to download that later. I've been playing Black Ops 2 and The Walking Dead.
quiet_guy256 said: Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. So far I am enjoying it. Not as much as the last two DLCs, but it's still good! Click to expand... I need to download that later. I've been playing Black Ops 2 and The Walking Dead.
quiet_guy256 Jan 19, 2013 #4,415 TheSpokenWheel said: I need to download that later. Click to expand... It's pretty short if you burn through the main quest. I suggest doing the side quests as well. Lots o' fun! Just started Final Fantasy XIII.
TheSpokenWheel said: I need to download that later. Click to expand... It's pretty short if you burn through the main quest. I suggest doing the side quests as well. Lots o' fun! Just started Final Fantasy XIII.