what game are you playing right now?

Buildalot 2


what the fuck you lookin at?
Saints Row 2...is...eh :dunno:
Dead Space, really good and will make you jump a few times if you play in a very dark room with the sound pumped up! I recommend it to any survival horror fans


what the fuck you lookin at?
Dead Space, really good and will make you jump a few times if you play in a very dark room with the sound pumped up! I recommend it to any survival horror fans

I was looking to rent that and couldn't find anywhere that even carried it. So I had to settle for saints row 2 instead. Pissed me off cause I was looking forward to checking it out.


Closed Account
Grand Theft Auto IV, all the time, online, the whole shebang. I've beaten it twice, and it still isn't old yet.
COD 4, Tiger Woods PGA '09, Bad Company, GTA4, Devil May Care
a big mixed bag of games....NHL09,NCaa football09,Star Wars:Force unleashed,i just RE-purchased the Orange Box-Half-Life 2 (i wasted money on NBA live thinking the Be a Pro mode was going to be the same as the other EA games. you can;t use your pro in anything other than exhibition)
Started again Gran Turismo 4 ... Now i will do the Nurnburgring for 24 hours ...