what game are you playing right now?


Postal Paranoiac
John Ashcroft: Shoeshine Boy for the Wee system.
Silent Hill 3 and Super Mario Brothers Wii. I am trying to get caught up on some of my Playstation 2 games because of my addiction to Final Fantasy XI.
Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 :)
Section 8 and Just Cause 2. Got them both today.

Can ANYONE tell me how many storymode missions there are in JC2?. The first one had a poor selection of about 36 or 38 missions in total. And for a map of 256 miles long that is poor amount of missions. JC2 has a map of 400 miles long so it BETTER have more missions (not scummy side quests) than the first one.

ALL Just Cause side quests in the the first game are as dull as fucking fuck as it's the same ten missions over and over you do for a faction.
Gone back in the time with Warcraft III.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Final Fantasy 8, taking my time to beat it, soon on my 40th hour, almost 3rd disc