what game are you playing right now?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Finished that now I am onto Resident Evil 2 and finished Claire's story and onto Leon's now [Scenario B]. I realise now that RE2 is not very long. Even back then when I first played it it never took me long. But I never noticed it then. I finished Claire Scenario A in 2h 44m 11s and that was me not playing the game for about three years or so.Kind of weak in gameplay depth going by todays standards init. BUT the atmosphere in that game PISSES ON Resident Evil 4's atmosphere and on Resident Action 5's atmosphere.


These are the RE series finest entries. Yes Code Veronica was good. But it never captures the atmosphere of the first three. No other RE has ever done so either.

Couldn't agree more, I'm bidding on RE2 on a auction site.

After I've beaten it I shall finish RE3.

Playing: MGO & FF IX
Recently i downloaded Final Fantasy 7 on the PS3. Brought back some good memories indeed. Also ive been playing alot of Street Fighter and Call of Duty
madden 10 and like every other year starting out getting my ass kicked online before winning some games for some odd reason????? :thefinger you cheaters! lol


what the fuck you lookin at?
Trials HD

hard ass frustrating motherfuckin arcade game. Well worth the $15 though!