what game are you playing right now?


Die For Me
AC IV also, by the time I get a next gen system AC V will probably be out ha.
Plus the differences aren't that massive considering the lead development was on current gen whereas next gen gets a port.
I'm playing AC: Black Flag, too. The new naval warfare options are a fucking blast. Wrecking a ship with chainshot and then swinging over and and putting the crew to the sword is never gonna get old.
I'm playing AC: Black Flag, too. The new naval warfare options are a fucking blast. Wrecking a ship with chainshot and then swinging over and and putting the crew to the sword is never gonna get old.

I like sailing along side ships as if all is well and then surprising them with a cannon shot. Take out as many as I can with the swivel guns and if any are still alive, swing over and air assassinate them.
Finished Batman Arkham Origins and now working on Assassin's Creed V : Black Flag, both really cool games.