what game are you playing right now?

Bioshock (First one)

I just finished that game for the first time today. While the ending wasn't as complex and wasn't nearly as long as Bioshock Infinite's ending I found it to be much more satisfying because I could actually get not only a good ending in it but one that was heartwarming. (The game also didn't have a million small plot holes one could dredge up like the recent one either.)
dead space 3 & tomb raider 2013
Left 4 Dead 2 playing Dark Carnival on hard. Each board had a freaking tank and when the helicopter came to save us, Coach was killed by one and the only casualty during the whole game.
Finishing off a couple of old GBA games

Final Fantasy V: Done
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past: Done

Currently finishing up Breath of Fire 2

Also trying to get through Final Fantasy XIII but good lord, every 10 minutes of gameplay there is a dull as dishwater cutscene!