what game are you playing right now?

Resident Evil 5
BF3, hoping to get the new UFC game when it comes out.
I have been on vacation lately, so I have been going through tons of games I haven't finished.

I have beat so far while off:
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Super Mario 3d Land

Now Im playing Final Fantasy XIII to get rdy for XIII-2 and Fire Emblem the scared stones on gba (I got it free as one of the 20 free downloads from nintendo's ambassador program).


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Fifa 12 - Third season with Man United, maybe my third league champions in a row.
i have ADD... i gotta... i completely stopped playin Dead Island to get Re-submerged into GTA:San Andreas all over again. (i DL'd it for the X360)


what the fuck you lookin at?
Just finished RAGE. Pretty good game. Reminded me of boarderlands/fallout minus the RPG aspect.
Saints Row: The Third.

I've mainly been doing the missions as well as the assassination targets and car targets. I don't like that many of the activities in this game. Saints Row 2 had better activities to do.

I'm still digging this game though.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've been playing some RAGE as well. I like it, but I hear it's quite short, so I'm kinda taking it slow.

Took me somewhere around 13 hours. Course I took the time to do all the races. I enjoyed the racing. Plus having a fully pimped vehicle to drive around in doesn't hurt. You'll enjoy the gun they give you for the final mission!!!

Saints Row: The Third.

I've mainly been doing the missions as well as the assassination targets and car targets. I don't like that many of the activities in this game. Saints Row 2 had better activities to do.

I'm still digging this game though.

That game was pretty damn good.