what game are you playing right now?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I have now too. I beat Red Dead Redemption months ago before my hard-drive crashed.

I disliked the ending, but I got revenge on the person too.

I beat it a year ago.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Mount And Blade: Warband with the Floris modpack.

Give it a try
OH GOD... i finally finished Fallout:NV- Old world Blues!!!
now onto (not in any order)
NCAA12 football
and a few others
Call of Duty: Black Ops.

I just finished the campaign for the second time. At the same time of me acquiring/getting/attaining many of the trophies, I missed a lot of them too.


Closed Account
Deus Ex Human Revolution, great game, only slightly laggy since my machine is not a million euro supercomputer.....

Got fed up with the wonky controls for Red dead redemption... why in the name of something would they make WALK and not RUN default... arrrgh, muppets...

Doing a bit of Red Faction Armageddon every now and then aswell.

Waiting for Rage, Warhammer Space Marine and Assassins Creed Revelations to come out.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You should try Skyrim, which is to be released this November.


Closed Account
Yeah, had a look at it, but isnt that the new and updated Oblivion?

Which I wasnt too impressed with. And yes, I know, I will get publicly lynched for saying that.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I wasn't too impressed with Oblivion either, but I bet Skyrim will floor Oblivion.

Which system are you on?


Closed Account
Craputer and PS3, and I got a Wii sitting under some dust somewhere wondering why I dont love it.

Tried Oblivion on the PC and my girlfriend got it for me on the PS3... no matter what system its a boring game.

Ooooh, almost forgot, The Witcher 2... great game, but sometimes I get the feeling that its just out to get you... the level of difficulty in that game is staggering... I had to do it in the easiest mode and I still find myself looking around to see if I´m in a prison shower and the game is a very large man professing his love for my behind.

That sentence made sense in my head atleast...
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I just got the 3D Zelda, and it is rocking me into outer space. Its a shame that there is such a tiny sliver of viewing angle, but I couldn't care less when it looks so stunning.

I look forward to 3D anime titties which will no doubt make an appearance in downloadable content from our japanese bred'ren. The march of technology pleases me, both in my brain and my groin.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Battle For Middle-Earth(2004) with The Elven Alliance:Commuinty Edition mod.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Lord of The Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth with The Elven Alliance: Community Edition modification.