what game are you playing right now?

Right now i was just playing good ol rpg game final fantasy 7. I am at the part i have to unlock vincent from the safe man kinda annoying you have to do it in the right time lol.

I have been wanting to get out ff7 or maybe ffx for awhile now.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My PS3 is can only play PSX games, not PS2 games....


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Batman: AA lacks replay playability.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I have a 250 GB, and it plays PSX games.
Yeah, but the first playthrough is awesome!

Batman: Arkam Asylum was a sweet game to beat. The saved profile was erased when my hard-drive crashed. I was really pissed because I got a lot of trophies too, and one trophy I missed the first time through, I was trying to get the second time through, and it is near the end of the game.