^ this.
back up my earlier point, i dont see how you can say you support more than one team, especially teams in the same country!
Also anyone who says 'chelsea for now' is just glory hunting. As far as im concerned there are two ways to pick your team, either by geographical location, i.e. the team that is closest to you when you are growing up, or another reason would be if you are following your parents choice of team, and they take you to a game. Im from Leeds originally but live in Scotland now, but my children are going to be Leeds fans too, im going to make sure that i get them to a game nice and early to make sure of it!

partly because i want to be able to go to games with my children, partly because i want to introduce another generation of fans to my club, but living in Glasgow i want them to avoid all the negativity and trouble that can come with following the Old Firm.
Its easy to look at who is top of a league, or winning trophies and pick them. And i can bet that manchester city will see an increase in their fan base over the comming years, but thats the easy way out. If you are lucky enough to be born close the Eastlands or Stamford Bridge then good luck to you, but other than that you pick your team and be miserable about it like the rest of us!