I agree with this.I will admit that the sexes are equal. Neither one is better nor worse
In addition, evolution should not be viewed in terms of superiority or inferiority. There is no "higher" or "superior" in evolution. No hierarchical ladder. This kind of thinking is what led people in past centuries to erroneously attribute racist conclusions (Social Darwinism) to Darwin's theories in contradiction of Darwin himself. (suggesting that man had evolved from more primitive creatures, and that some races had evolved further than others - and thus were "superior")
Evolution's course is not set. Evolution is "concerned" with survivability. Conditions for survivability are not set and environments can change (K/T mass extinction event). Furthermore, women and men of the same species evolve together (during the period in which they evolved, women could not pass on their genetic material without males and vice versa).
So besides being sexist, saying women are more evolved than men simply makes no sense.
No discrimination based on sex or race is good or positive. They are both harmful and don't "balance" anything. The phrase "men are more evolved than women" is equally offensive and nonsensical.