What do you want to accomplish before you die?

become a well adjusted member of society
I would like for someone to call me "sir" without immediately adding "you're making a scene". Seriously though, it would be fun to have a drink named after me though irony would dictate that it would be something fruity and distasteful to most people.
En epic one.

Welcome. What kind of album are you writing?

he's gonna rap. i bet you.

white boy gonna rap.

Several musicians here...:)
I also want to release my own record, but I spend all my savings on travelling.

i have an assload of shitty tapes that ive made through the years.

we put a cassette recorder under a cardboard box. now thats recording.

dude. i know it.

i even thought for a second..hey, record a track with my drums, and play some guitar and see how that all sounds with her.

the kids in middle school.

it would be a record selling album. shit or not.

I have two singles uploaded. If you like either pleas share because honestly the only reason I came here is to get at least one of the two singles to 1,000 views. I know that's not a lot but it is to me :)
Here is my pop single - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH3GLzaqxU4
Experimental single - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKaS06IcLtQ
Nobody commented on my music :crying: I thought for sure the Freeones squad would be the most supportive of the message boards I spammed. Don't ask me why I thought this.