what do you love/hate about yourself?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I could go on and on about what I don't like, but because I don't feel like wasting everyone's time I am just going to post a YouTube video of "I Hate Myself and Want to Die" by Nirvana.

Nothing. I am like fucking Achilles without the weak ass heel problem.

...though I could afford to follow through with my ambition, no matter how grossly far fetched it is at times.


I thought you'd learned your lesson from the 1st time you replied to 1 of my posts in less than cool manner. So Because that's really some moronic advice to give to somebody who isn't feeling good about themselves @ a certain time in there life, You sound like a real class act dude. thanx for the sympathy and kind hearted advice and concern for my well being.
You are very welcome. It was from the bottom of my heart.
Sad to see you didn't take my advice though.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
You are very welcome. It was from the bottom of my heart.
Sad to see you didn't take my advice though.

What and Give some Classless Moronic POS the pleasure of my killing myself? Fuck that your the least of my concerns, nor do I really give a fuck about you or how you feel about me when it comes to anything concerning my life, Matter of fact, this lifetime in general. (As if) :thefinger

You know what, I think its best, From this point forward, You Mind your business and I'll do the same in relations to you, cuz we really have nothing further to discuss about one another, so YOU stay out of my threads and don't say or post anything naive, cross, or inappropriate about me ANYWHERE in any FREEONES thread and I will exercise the same in regards to you. Besides (you started this :bs: in that other thread, otherwise I wouldn't have known you from any other :anonymous retard out there posting his :2 cents:)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I hate that I can't seem to live within my budget.

I love my general crotchety nature.


Believer In GregCentauro
Let me clarify my position when I wrote this thread... I was severely DEPRESSED, BROKE, Didn't have my DRIVERS LICENSE or a CAR, and I was NOT able to work by way of MEDICAL REASONS (since 5/06 to present) I still hate some of my physical attributes that I originally mentioned, but since this thread was written ALLOT OF $H!T has changed, I got my $$$, I got my Drivers License back, I got my OWN CAR. I have my HEATERS back now..

I am still somewhat depressed @ times, but not even close to the degree I was, the ANXIETY that fueled my SEVERE depression is for the most part GONE. So in other words I am doing very well now, despite some depression @ times, I am NO where near the condition I was when I started this thread. So all the haters can go fuck themselves!! For all of my friends and those that are cool with me, thanks for your support, and I appreciate you keeping my head in the game / in essence my sanity when I needed you the most back in the day!!! so that's that, thank you very much.

Well in that case let me tell you how I feel about that, and promptly thank you
Oh I almost forgot, so you say you hate the OP? and what did I do or say too you for you too openly declare that you hate me?

I thought you'd learned your lesson from the 1st time you replied to 1 of my posts in less than cool manner. So
Because that's really some moronic advice to give to somebody who isn't feeling good about themselves @ a certain time in there life, You sound like a real class act dude. thanx for the sympathy and kind hearted advice and concern for my well being.

Xanax does miracles...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
True because I hate the OP

Are you some-kind of Chicken Hawk? Cat got your fucking tongue? You can't back your statements like a man? :rolleyes:

Xanax does miracles...

Viola, that's the stuff I eat like mints now. :D

I haven't given up yet.

Knowing that is enough to make me able to tolerate my own company.

I could always hack the mental aspect of my depression, NOTHING is gonna drive me too kill myself with the only life I have, it was all of the physical pain associated with the severe anxiety, always feeling like I was having a heart attack, not being able to breath, sharp pains everywhere you could think of bodily wise, I am here to tell you SEVERE anxiety is NO JOKE, I wouldn't wish that shit upon my worst enemy!! There's always some-kind of horrific physical pain to deal with. after constantly feeling like this I was tired of dealing with the pain 24/7 it gets maddening, before they lit me up with xanax, I was in the ER getting a Psych evaluation cuz they thought I was suicidal.
Are you some-kind of Chicken Hawk? Cat got your fucking tongue? You can't back your statements like a man? :rolleyes:

Viola, that's the stuff I eat like mints now. :D

I could always hack the mental aspect of my depression, NOTHING is gonna drive me too kill myself with the only life I have, it was all of the physical pain associated with the severe anxiety, always feeling like I was having a heart attack, not being able to breath, sharp pains everywhere you could think of bodily wise, I am here to tell you SEVERE anxiety is NO JOKE, I wouldn't wish that shit upon my worst enemy!! There's always some-kind of horrific physical pain to deal with. after constantly feeling like this I was tired of dealing with the pain 24/7 it gets maddening, before they lit me up with xanax, I was in the ER getting a Psych evaluation cuz they thought I was suicidal.
