Everyone can say they don`t like their boss or that they have to do things they don`t want to etc, that`s part of every job. So something distinctive about mine: the fact that from where I sit I can see three different women all of whom I`d like to bend over their desks and take them from behind one at a time. This is a bit of a distraction!
Reading, writting and doing math...and yes, studying is not a job but it IS and feels like a job. Except it's worse because you don't get payed!! Instead you do the paying...freaking outrageous!
Not enough adventure and excitement like commendeering a vehicle or jumping up and holding onto one of those things on the bottom of a helicopter as it takes off.
I hate that my boss thinks he knows my job better the me in face he does not i worked at this place for 5 years he only been there for 3 years with not a clue how to do anything he has to ask me or the other guy i work with
My last one? The boss kept shorting me on my checks (serious). Since I was not monitored and it was a small business, I had to keep track of my punch in hours and so on and had to contact that bastard seemed like every week about discrepencies in pay. Also the fact that he had ice-level seats at the Wild and always tried to sell them to me, never gave me any tickets.