I don't think that porn tends to attract the college type but for the few who get into porn while in college I would think drop college or if they actually do finish with a good degree not like in psychology Im not sure how they would become anything other than a secretary after they explain the holes in their resume as being a time when they were getting banged in the pink and stink holes.
Stay on topic. What do you think the majority do? I will add being a Waitress at a bar to the list.
Since most seem to work under aliases, who knows what the majority (or even the minority) do after porn? Unless they get arrested or have a record, all they have to say is that they were models or something. I'm guessing some run pro/am sites, get married, go back to school, become agents, open their own businesses in the "civilian" world, work retail jobs, go to work in real estate, etc., etc., etc.
It's just like anything else, I'd say: the ones who are lucky enough to make a decent amount of money and get an education along the way, and don't blow the money on trinkets, shoes, cars and bad investements, can do anything (or nothing) after porn. The ones who don't make a decent amount of money or who fuck the money up, just have to do the best they can do. :dunno:
Tiffany Million/Sandra Scott is a
bounty hunter now. I thought that was pretty interesting.