What do Pornstars do after Porn for a career?

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I don't think showing your cooch and sucking dick on camera qualifies as being successful. Why don't most pornstars do it forever or at least longer than a few years? Why do they get disowned by family members? Don't think I even need to mention the STD's and the comprehensive benefits package that pornstars receive.

The porn industry is shit and trying to sugar coat it is naive but it is still a better option that alot of the people involved have.

So what are you doing on a porn forum? Let me take a stab at this, you're some religious guy who feels that by spreading the Word of the good book you'll show us all the light and turn our lives away from this smut! Oh lordy lord, I have sinned and I ask for your forgiveness! :bowdown:

You could also be that guy who shows up at his high school reunion (one of the few who show up) so you can talk about what you've done so far with the hopes that you have done better than the other 5 people that showed up for it.

The other thing you could be is someone who is just getting too into this argument and started making up how much schooling you have done to make you look better and then start belittling others (others you don't know at all, by the way) because the fact is you're living in a fantasy world where you have actually accomplished something in your life but the truth is, you're probably living in your parents' basement or in an apartment by yourself, masturbating to a life you do not have.

OK, this has gone far enough. Discussions on the board are fine, but threads specifically dedicated to flaming a group of people aren't. Thread closed.
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