what do babies and old people have in common?

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I was at a nursing home recently and noticed there are some amazing similarities with new borns and those who are to damn old to do any fuckin thing? Kinda funny when you think about it. If you live to old age you will probably leave this world the same way you entered it.

1. they both shit themselves
2. can't bath themselves
3. can't talk only make weird ass noises
4. can't drive
5. can't feed themselves
6. have very limited mobility

these are a few examples I came up with. Now I'm by no means ripping on the elderly in our society. Hell we'll all be there some day. It's just something kinda funny I noticed! If you have any other things to add feel free
lol good one, heard that before :D


Retired Moderator
pool709 said:
If you have any other things to add feel free
Please let's not.

What was the purpose of this thread other than to ridicule those who cannot help the condition they are in.

You would learn best to not to tempt fate, you may one day find yourself trapped within your own body.

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