What Crawled Up Ahmadinejad's Butt and Died??

What is wrong with this nutcase loser?? I am so sick and tired of people like him and that North Korean walking sack of shit.

Ahmadinejad: Iran will "bring down" Western foes

Thu Jul 16, 12:29 pm ET
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Newly re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday his next government "would bring down the global arrogance," signaling a tougher approach by Tehran toward the West after last month's disputed election.

Ahmadinejad, in his first provincial trip after the June 12 presidential vote, said Iran's enemies had tried to interfere and foment aggression in the country, referring to mass opposition protests against the official election result.

The hardline president, who often rails against the West, said the Islamic Republic wanted "logic and negotiations" but that Western powers had insulted the Iranian nation and should apologize.

Iranian leaders often refer to the United States and its allies as the "global arrogance."

eh we'll see:dunno:
Sadly you are falling right into his trap. Everytime we have a thread dedicated to him or Kim Jong Il, it keeps them on the mind of everybody and on Page1 of the newspapers. Nobody believes they both aren't lunatics. But, they thrive on publicity, just like 2-bit, piece of shit celebrities, which is about all they are to us "in reality."

Maybe if we ignore them, they actually will go away....
Sadly you are falling right into his trap. Everytime we have a thread dedicated to him or Kim Jong Il, it keeps them on the mind of everybody and on Page1 of the newspapers. Nobody believes they both aren't lunatics. But, they thrive on publicity, just like 2-bit, piece of shit celebrities, which is about all they are to us "in reality."

Maybe if we ignore them, they actually will go away....

Yep agree rhetoric propoganda call it what you will....these guys have got to a tee and crap it out in abundance.
The easiest way to defect the people of Iran from their oppression is for this nutjob to focus them on "the great satan" which is the US and the West.
He just has some sand in his vagina.

Like most of those wacky jihadist bastards do! Except Kim Jong Il; he has poison ivy in his nether regions.
Sadly you are falling right into his trap. Everytime we have a thread dedicated to him or Kim Jong Il, it keeps them on the mind of everybody and on Page1 of the newspapers. Nobody believes they both aren't lunatics. But, they thrive on publicity, just like 2-bit, piece of shit celebrities, which is about all they are to us "in reality."

Maybe if we ignore them, they actually will go away....

Hard to when they got nukes and want to use them on us! But the same can be said about Bin Laden but somehow the only time they don't get media coverage is when Michael Jackson died, that probably pissed them off.

The easiest way to defect the people of Iran from their oppression is for this nutjob to focus them on "the great satan" which is the US and the West.

Yepp blame everything on us.

He just has some sand in his vagina.

Like most of those wacky jihadist bastards do! Except Kim Jong Il; he has poison ivy in his nether regions.


You know even though I have never been an Obama supporter, I got to give the man credit for trying to be nice to this dick wad from Iran and he stills gets shit from this loser.
Hard to when they got nukes and want to use them on us! But the same can be said about Bin Laden but somehow the only time they don't get media coverage is when Michael Jackson died, that probably pissed them off.

The USSR didn't attack you with their stockpile and it's BIGGER THAN YOURS. Iran, or any other country for that matter, will never launch a first strike on the US. Never. Atomic weapons are the biggest bullshit waste of money, time, and life ever.