Ahmadinejad accused the U.S. government of exercising more media censorship than anywhere in the world.
That's because we have religious freedom in this country, which his country, Iran, does not. 99.99999999% of censorship occurs because of religious influence. Need an example? People all around the world get death threats (and some people actually get killed) if they attempt to show a depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. Which, in a twist of hilarious fucking irony, is the founder of Islam. Why is that ironic, you ask? Oh, I'll get to that...
Since Iran doesn't have any genuine religious freedom, they don't have to worry about censorship, because
the Iranian government mandates that Islam is the official religion. Therefore, making the entire country a slave to the leaders of Islam, leaving little to no opposition of any morals, thoughts, values or ways of life.
But, in the United States, we have freedom of religion. And, since we have thousands upon thousands of different religious practices in this country, we have thousands upon thousands of different morals, thoughts, values and ways of life. And, in order for thousands upon thousands of different religions to live peacefully among one another, unfortunately, middle ground has to be met. And, most of that middle ground is found through censorship.
People don't censor things because THEY want to - they censor things because OTHERS want them to. Do you think the creators of South Park wanted to hide the image of the Prophet Muhammad on one of their episodes? No. Islamic radicalists FORCED that censorship upon America by threatening the lives of innocent people who were doing nothing more than making a funny TV show.
So, sorry Mr. Ahmadinejad...your point of view means absolutely nothing to me or anybody else in this country. You are a hypocritical and arrogant asshole who has absolutely no room to talk. You force the religion of Islam upon the people of your country, which is censorship of religion. You have no room to talk about the censorship in this country, because you are censoring the morals, values, thoughts, beliefs and ways of life of each and every single person who lives within the boundaries of your country. I'm sorry, sir...but here in the United States, we do no such thing. We may prevent people from saying the word "fuck" on the radio or showing a naked cock on daytime television, but our country doesn't force an entire way of life upon anybody. Until you can say the same about the people of your country...
shut the fuck up.