I am descended from Grk the Mighty. For behold, Grk raised his eyes and saw before him a woman of the tribe. Covered in less hair she was, so he took her. And she gave birth to Uzka. And Uzka beget Groth.
Groth took the tribe out of the lands as they became darkened with great dust and fear in those days, for upon them with a great rumble and tearing of flesh had smote the mighty Mastodon, crushing all in its path.
He led them by the streams and past the quiet waters to a vast land, beyond where lay a vast ocean, and there he settled them down, and they became one people. Gentle as Groth was, he taught the people the ways of the Mighty Grk, his grandfather. As he smote down stone upon stone, he uncovered the secrets of light and dark. And as he watched the birds pluck at their prey, so his deep mind comprehended the fine art of spear and fishing.
And so, as the days lengthened and time grew older, he himself took unto him 525 wives, and bore many children.
Groth beget Yzkrkr, and Yzkrkr begat Yutoth, and Yutoth begat Nrylal, and Nrylal begat...oh well you get the picture.