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Works for panties
Brain Games
Star Trek TNG

Me too, worked my way round to series 7 again. When everybody's relatives came in and they realized they'd stretched it as far as they could.

Seriously, that series has (FFS) :

Data's (actual, android) brother, Lore
Geordi's (sensory illusion of) mother and (actual) father
Deanna's (actual) mother, Lwaxana, and (memory of deceased) sister
Worf's (human, foster) brother
Data's (android, fake-human) "mother"
Beverly's (deceased) grandmother
Worf's (alternative from the future) son, Alexander
Beverly's (actual) son, Wesley
Picard's (alleged) son

Seriously, if they'd been told they needed five more episodes, I guarantee Kyle Riker would have shown up again. I probably shouldn't watch Next Gen so late and in conjuction with browsing the porn forums, when B'Etor turns up I start finding her sexy.
Due to an incident at my stepson's work, I was just watching the scene where Bill Murray is cleaning out the pool in Caddyshack... :D