Re: What you watching right now!
watching my download skip between 8 hours and 12 hours. I'd rather it stay@24 KB/Second for/8hrs.. but apparently only 83.249.**.*** and 87.227.**.** are on something other than FRICKIN' DIAL UP! Selfish scum! Half the broadband connections are on a really nice 3 or 6 meg line with a usual minimum of 32KB to 128KB uploads.. and what do they set their limit to? 16? BASTARDS!
Other than that, I'm watching my flickering halloween lights dance behind me.. and next up on tonights agenda to watch: Desperate Housewives Season 1, episode.. uhh.. five or six, I'll check when my girl wakes up. Its not as addictive as *Lost*, but I like that the episodes... so far.. make you laugh, further the overall story.. but also arent just FILLER like half of Lost's were. They're on the same network and have the same.. sorta feeling. IMO.