
Will E Worm

Is that woman retired? Did she pay into her SS for years and years and years? Is she of the proper age to qualify to receive her SS? Does she fit the proper requirements to qualify for receiving her SS?


She wasn't retired, she has a well paying job and still receives Social Security.

I believe she is either in her early or late thirties.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've known a shitload of white people who abuse the fuck out of the system. The alleged "sugar mommas" are no longer the main issue.

Wow, I must have struck a nerve. I don't think I've ever seen you use the word "fuck" :nanner:

lol, sorry just proud of myself! Just that in my area all I see are black people abusing the system. Not so many white people, though I'm sure all races abuse it.
Is what you're describing the best society?

What I described was just the logical continuation of the line which Boothbabe quoted:

If not paying welfare money for poor people is a sign of bad treatment,
paying them large amounts of money must be good treatment. Isn't it?

I disagree with the statement that the way society treats the most poor members is the reason to judge that society. And giving my example, I tried to underline why did I disagree with it: cuz it leads to the situation when people lose any motivation for work.

just to point - I do not have any other ideas - that can be packed in one phrase - according to which I can "judge" society.

as for the jails... Not so long ago I was curious to learn a little about the most awful jails in the world. Believe me, Abu-Ghraib is not the worst. Far from the worst I'd say. For example russian jails for average prisoners (not for terrorists or stuff like that, just for common criminals) are out and away more awful and inhuman.

All you described was a society where materialism is not only championed but forced upon the people:rolleyes:

It is quite strange to hear reproaches of materialism as we were talking about the MONEY right from the beginning of this thread. Or did I miss something? :dunno:

Anyways, even if it was a thread about philosophy or whatever you call it, I am still sure that this model is the most fair and sincere description of perfect/happy/lucky life. What I described is the simplificated picture. Show me the man who said that he didn't want a buncha sexy chicks everyday, bentley (or ferrari, or lambo etc... no matter what kind of a car), villa, yacht and all the rest things that altogether compose dolce vita - and I would show you a liar!


If things were so simple that a one line comment could encapsulate the situation, government would be the most efficient caretaker possible.
It don't work that way...things are more complicated the more people involved.
I worked at jobs since I was 13, and worked all through my first (and only) year of college. I never took any government assitance, and paid a shitload of taxes over the years.
I had triple bypass surgery, when my daughter was 4 months old; I was working and had a paycheck or 2 more than my immediate needs put away. Suddenly I was without an income, unable to lift 10 lbs or work, and faced with a 6 month healing period.
I tried to apply for Fed welfare...that was a joke. I had to wait for 45 days to see if they would qualify me...not...and had no idea how to pay rent or get food and medical for my self and family.
My family did what they could, they had families of their own, and they helped a lot. I was lucky in that respect...but no one was able to "adopt" us for 6 months.
I moved back to Texas to accept a place to stay that was offered, and due to my infant daughter qualified for Texas welfare...medical for the family, food allowance. No housing, I was on my own.
At the office, there was almost no one except illegal Mexicans getting on welfare, getting sent to doctors and getting housing allowances. Oddly enough most of the office staff were Mexican Americans.
We ate so well on the food allowance, we weren't able to eat all the food we were allotted ($250 a week). The med program was a hassle, but we had doctor visits and made it through the 6 months healing period.
I made some side money here and there, and had to find a place to live after 7 months of free rent.
We'd have been up that well known creek without family help and welfare.

I know and have seen lots of 3rd gen welfare families, people who know the rules and live together while qualifying for the program...many black families in New Orleans living in projects wearing gold jewelry, with $1000 stereos and nice vehicles, and filling 2 and 3 shopping carts with food stamps paying for it.

There's the contrast...a one time need versus a lifestyle.

And govt employees work for a paycheck and give a shit who gets what...In a perfect world there would be plenty of welfare cash to help those who need a hand, and sadly with the thousands of hustlers always ready to grab the free ride the program is hardest to use for those not versed in the routine.
Like the expression says, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day...teach him to fish and he'll catch his own food".
Why go out fishing when you can get fed much easier by the govt?

I couldn't wait to get back to work, and did so asap when I was able.
That is my way; but it was annoying to see how well so many lived with no effort while I had to bust my ass to live 2 steps above poverty level.
I have no problem with helping those in dire straits, but supporting those with no desire to put out the effort to deal with life as they find it chaps my hardworking ass.
Daycare and medical for single mothers makes sense, but I've seen welfare mothers with 4 kids and another on the way living well and laughing at those who bust their ass to do it on their own. That ain't right.


Hiliary 2020
^I've seen welfare mothers with 4 kids and another on the way living well and laughing at those who bust their ass to do it on their own. That ain't right.

yep, I seen it myself, alot.

I'll be at the supermarket buying the bare neccesities, almost everything store brand, while some chic is got a ton of name brand stuff and paying with a "families first card".
joke of a name, exactly whose family is first?

the system is grossly abused and the population of the people abusing it just keeps getting bigger while the population of the people supporting it is shrinking.

The camels back has already ben broken.
California for example is or was 18 billion $ in debt.
Add up all the social services it pays out and that amounts to about 25 billion per year.
you don't ned to be a genious to figure it out.

Its true, there is an very large percentage of the population who knows exactly how to manipulate the system, and lives like that their whole lives, and a high percentage of their children grow up and do the same.

And they make that choice themselves.

But as the politicians say when passing these laws, "its for the children".
Okay so, I just lurk here on a daily basis but this topic has motivated me to voice my opinion.

One of my family members works for the govt, submitting welfare requests. All day long she processes requests for food stamps, rent and mortgage assistance, bill assistance, etc.

Here's my issue:

Government assistance is a GREAT idea. Too many people end up jobless, injured, and sometimes just in a bad financial situation which forces them to ask for help, whether it be from a friend or family or the govt. Its nice to have the govt there to assist these people when these situations arrise.


Too many people abuse the aid that the government willingly provides. People literally come from foreign countries to the united states because their friends and family who reside here already and use the assistance sell the idea of US residency by placing great emphasis on the amounts of assistance and money the government dishes out, and all you need to do is fill out some papers.

Too many people use government assistance and continue to have kids at the governments expense. If you cant afford the kids you have, dont have more until you can afford it!

The government offers assistance for everything. They'll put you in rent free housing, theyll pay your rent if you cant pay it, theyll pay for your cable, internet, electricity, gas, etc. In the meantime, people living in apartments that hard working people are paying 1200-1500 dollars to live in, they only pay "what they can" which literally can be submitted as "$0.00"

Seeing people walk in to ask for government assistance to pay for every bill in their mailbox, every type of food a food stamp will buy, their apartment, their cell phones, cable, internet etc....all while pulling their ID out of a $300 designer purse, while wearing $150 sneakers, and talking on a $200-400 smart phone. Its pure ABUSE of a system that was designed to help those in need.

Government assistance programs are a great idea, they just need to be monitored CLOSELY. Require the recipients to meet a certain amount of submitted job apps, MANDATORY DRUG TESTS, bank account and spending records, etc.

It sucks to see such a potentially great program go toward helping people afford their drug habits and materialistic addictions.
we spend entirely to much on welfare just so fuckin EDITblacks/EDIT can abuse the system. I hear obama wants to give them fucks even more money. His reasoning is to help them find jobs. Um, if I wasn't working sitting on my ass all day smoking pot and drinkin and the system starts giving me even more money...I'd be even less likely to get a job. Its a broken system and need to be dramatically overhauled!

I've seen a lot more white people than blacks, abuse the system, some who didnt event even deserve welfare. I laughed when I read this post.

Will E Worm

Seeing people walk in to ask for government assistance to pay for every bill in their mailbox, every type of food a food stamp will buy, their apartment, their cell phones, cable, internet etc....all while pulling their ID out of a $300 designer purse, while wearing $150 sneakers, and talking on a $200-400 smart phone. Its pure ABUSE of a system that was designed to help those in need.

So, how do I do this and become a made man with government money? :D


I've seen a lot more white people than blacks, abuse the system, some who didnt event even deserve welfare. I laughed when I read this post.

Then you are living in a mostly white area, and don't get around much.
I laughed when I read this post.


Hiliary 2020
So, how do I do this and become a made man with government money?

Made man?
first you must be 100% Italian.

1) get a gf who is willing.
2) have irresponsible, unprotected sex and get her pregnant.
3) drive her to the social services dept. but wait in the car.
4) have her tell them she is a single pregnant woman and she doesn't know who or where the BABY'S DADDY is.

They will take it from there.

Will E Worm

So, how do I do this and become a made man with government money?

Made man?
first you must be 100% Italian.

1) get a gf who is willing.
2) have irresponsible, unprotected sex and get her pregnant.
3) drive her to the social services dept. but wait in the car.
4) have her tell them she is a single pregnant woman and she doesn't know who or where the BABY'S DADDY is.

They will take it from there.

I don't have to be Italian.

Also, no children or welfare female.

Just me with the money. :pimpdaddy
any1 who says they've seen more whites than blacks on welfare is delusional. it is alot easier for a minority to get government aid than actual white people. hopefully obama can actually inspire some black people to go get a job and stop milking the system.
I believe blacks are the majority of assistance users (no racist). Asians suprisingly enough have a huge amount of people on assistance too. Hispanics and whites are obviously present but in no where near the amounts as other races.

People are shipping their family over from foreign countries which is nice...BUT They dont get them a job, help them earn a respectable living for themselves- instead they imply that our govt will pay for everything, and of course the govt proves them right. Then they tell the rest of their families, their friends, etc from their countries and before you know it...neighborhoods are over ridden with foreigners all relying on govt assistance.

The absolute worst part is that you DONT have to be a US citizen to come here and receive assistance. Whether it be housing, medical, or whatever....citizenship is NOT required. Thats CRAP.
U.S. Public Welfare system is not bad. Actually, it's far better than 75% of rest of the world. Only Japan and China can compete with U.S.A.. If U.S. Government was "really really" bad (budget deficit can be acceptable), this economic crisis would vaporise every high degree officer and elected people within days of its beginning and lead U.S.A. to a trully crappy trouble. Everything is stable and very well for now. Economic packages are too risky for White House and U.S. Capitol.

However, private welfare system (banks and other financial institutions and people) is really bad. Lehman Bros stuff was stinking. Dow Jones' great decline is so weird. To be more clear, economy has grown faster than the physical growth of population. High economic growth and low population growth lead you to spend more even tough you don't make much, to carry out this economic growth. Low economic growth and high population growth lead you to spend more too, Because you have to create an economic growth by spending more. Medium economic growth and medium population growth bring you a good community.

For me, a balloon type of economic growth was created between 2001 and 2008. Oil prices boomed, mortgage loans increased, financial corporations balance sheets got fat, service sector got widespread faster than ever, production sector left J-I-T and created a lot of inventory by working 24/7. But, population has grown realively lower than economic growth.

Who can consume that much of oil since consumption rate rose less than production rate?
Who can get a loan when making money gets harder?
Who made those balance sheets fat by making more bad credits?
Who come and spend money at shops when personal finance gets smaller?
Who created those huge inventories of goods to be sold when market grows less than production?

A lot of jobs were created but finance of these jobs were not thought deeply for any case of economy. If your population grows at 5%, make your economic growth at about 5%.

I think people in U.S.A. don't spend a lot. They are forced to spend by "growth by consumption" (intense advertising, cheating pricing policies, fake opportunities). Get what you need, not what you want (except special days :D).

Everything gets alright soon, i hope.


I love big booty too!
U.S. Public Welfare system is not bad. Actually, it's far better than 75% of rest of the world. Only Japan and China can compete with U.S.A..

You gotta be kidding, right? If the welfare systems in these countries are so good why the fuck do so many people live on the streets in these countries?
Most Western European countries treat their citizens way better.
Dude, it's public welfare which belongs to central government Washington D.C.. Washington supports big corporations with large amounts of money quite instantly. I didn't include private and individual welfare managements in that quoted statement.

It's also related with population and system. Western European countries have and average population of 20 million. So, each Western European country has to distribute social services to 20 milion people, with "smaller" provincial administrations. In USA, this duty is belong to states' governments, average US state is larger than average Euro states. If you think of country wide, it becomes different. Germany has a population of nearly 80 million and USA has a population of quite more than 300 million. Germany has industries for almost every sector while USA has real industry for a little number of sector. USA is insufficient for distributing social services due to underperformed state administrations.

China has a collectivist economic vision and structure and Beijing controls everything. Beijing also holds 2.5 trillion dollar money reserve and 1 trillion bonds and bill reserve. China's central budget is not that bad. Actually the best in to World.

Japan also has a collectivist economic structure too. Japan's central budget is also very healthy.

USA has an individualist economic structure but tax collection of USA is the best of the World. Tax revenues are consistent and still sustainable. If US Public Welfare system was bad as private welfare managements of Lehman, AIG, Detroit 3 and Citibank, Washington would not be able to prepare a 700 billion dollar stimulus package and more.

EU is good but coordination of EU members takes more time than making a decision. Germany issues stimulus package for German economy, UK issues one for British economy. EU must go as USE (United States of Europe) and begin to manage from a distictive capital.

Imagine, California issues package for California economy, Texas issues for Texas economy. So, why need for Washington DC? Washington DC is better than most.

If there are homeless people in China, Japan, USA ...etc, that's because of personal decisions, having opportunity inequality and also inefficiency of social services like education. It's not related with public welfare system.