Welfare helps a lot of people, in all honesty. But, some people just take advantage of it and, quite frankly, don't fucking deserve to be on welfare. I'm not saying that I have an impossible life to live, but there are people who make more money than I do and qualify for welfare. I can pay my bills and I make less than some people on welfare, sooooo...:dunno:
But, like I said, welfare helps a lot of people who actually need. It's just that some deserve it and some don't.
:2 cents:
Yep. Same here. In fact, there has been one year in my 32 that I made over 20 grand. Seriously. But I have my bills paid, or caught up, I'm a full time student at Colorado State, I have a running vehicle that is insured and registered.......I could have, at points in my recent past, applied for welfare, or other similar programs, but I have chosen not to.
I don't really need it. I don't have a wife and family to try and support.
Programs like welfare are essential for families out there who are trying to scrape by on 7.50 an hour. Even with both parents (if both are still around) working at a job like that, even 50-60 hours a week, they are not going to make it when a simple visit to the local ER costs upwards of a grand or two.
Does that make it right that some people abuse the system, and collect when they shouldn't? Of course not. But the fact remains that programs like this help people who genuinely need help.
Hey Legz.......tell the mom who has to make the choice between heat or food for her and her three kids that welfare has been stopped.
By the way Legz, in my scenario, they are any race, not just the one who you stupidly and hatefully pointed out.
I'm white. So is my brother. And the mother that raised the two of us when my dead beat fucking waste of a "father" ran out on us years ago. She worked her ass off as a waitress. Went to school full time. Still wasn't enough. If it hadn't been for government programs like this one, we may have never escaped a trailer park outside of Philly.
So Legz, and anybody else small minded and hate filled enough to think like him, maybe you should realize that hunger and desperation don't play favorites....they don't care what the fuck color your skin is, or who you pray to.
Go Flyers.