We can all learn a lesson from the honorable Senator from the great state of Arizona

Ike Stain

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a stone-cold baby killer with the credentials to prove it.

He said essentially, "even though I abhor nearly everything this man stands for
and and will do my utmost to tear him down in the public forum,
it doesn't make him a bad person." [Paraphrase]

Attack the position, not the person.

(Unless of course it's Will E. Worm, then by all means attack the person.)

:Flame: :Flame: :Flame: * In Loving Memory * :Flame: :Flame: :Flame:


:Flame: :Flame: * John Sidney McCain III * :Flame: :Flame:


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Re: We can all learn a lesson from the honorable Senator from the great state of Ariz

But...he's still alive.
Re: We can all learn a lesson from the honorable Senator from the great state of Ariz

If it wasn't for PirateKing, I would have thought John McCain was dead.

Does anyone know if his mom is still alive?
Re: We can all learn a lesson from the honorable Senator from the great state of Ariz

If it wasn't for PirateKing, I would have thought John McCain was dead.

Does anyone know if his mom is still alive?

McCain is Israel-First scum of the highest order, a total traitor and sell out. He of course is basically braindead, but his brain is sleazy Zionist Joe Lieberman, who tells him exactly what to think, and even when to take a shit. It was so funny when McCain was campaigning for president, he would say something completely off the wall, Lieberman would have to wisper in his ear to tell him what to say. The USA would have really got what was coming to it if mcCain had been in the whitehouse, would have made Bush look like a Genius. Well, not that Santorum and Newt are any better. Maybe we could just try not having a preident for once, couldnt really be any worse

Ike Stain

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Re: We can all learn a lesson from the honorable Senator from the great state of Ariz

Maybe we could just try not having a preident for once, couldnt really be any worse

But then who would give the order to take people out?