We are fearfully and wonderfully made

Dear all,

Look! How wonderful we are made. So beautiful. But He who made us did so for His glory, not ours. He is willing to forgive us if we repent. 1John 1:9, the Bible says he is faithful and just. If we confess our sins He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Please come to Him. He loves you. The Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
The Bible says though our sins are as red as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow. Though they are as red as crimson, they shall be as white as wool. Therefore come and let us reason together.
For those who are weary and burdenned by the unrighteous acts of darkeness, Jesus Christ died for us on the cross at Calvary so that if we put our faith in him, he will forgive us our sins and gives the power to become sons and daughters of God.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
You have the wrong site. You are not going to save anyone here.
Good bye now. :wave:
Christ came not to condemn but to justify, I mean to make righteous. he did not come for the righteous but he came for the ungodly so us to save us from the coming wrath. I was once a filthy sinner but Christ forgave me when I repented and gave me the free gift of eternal life.
Thank you all. I love you dear ones. How wonderful and gracious is the LORD!
No repentance and no redemption here dude. We are as we are. No one can make us better except ourselves. I am a humanist not a Christian.
You have the wrong site. You are not going to save anyone here.
Good bye now. :wave:

I apprieciate the threadstarters intent and enthusiasm. This may be the wrong site in a lot of ways, but it certainly is the right site for him/her. I can't say whether the threadstarter will save anyone, but I can say he/she has taken the first step to doing so.
Great.. I do enjoy a good fictional story.

Pity about the crappy ending though.
Isaiah 11:6

The HELLRAISER shall dwell with the Philbert, and the WILL E shall lie down with the lurking dirk, and a little child shall moderate them.

Can I fuck you up the ass Ami de liberte?

All of this "Lord" talk has gotten me so hot! :rubbel:

I guess I really should have taken that career path as a Catholic Priest..... oh well.


Isaiah 11:6

The HELLRAISER shall dwell with the Philbert, and the WILL E shall lie down with the lurking dirk, and a little child shall moderate them.


Thus spake the Heathen GregCentauro, yea even in his ignorance a wise man;
And a flock of Angels came to him, and lifted him up; and there rose a Holy cry to the Heavens; and the Heathen GregCentauro became as one with the Darkness, and was no longer of this Earth.

For the Wages of Sin are many,and Rewards of the Righteous neverending...for whosoever gains an STD shall know the Lord.

Philbert 9:51

Will E Worm

This is my job. ;) :hatsoff:

2 Peter 2:12 (KJV)
But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

Jude 1:10 (KJV)
But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

:sing: Faith is the Victory! :sing:


Will E Worm

Christian-phobic people. :tongue:

1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV)
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Beware the Beast Man, for He is the Devil’s Pawn.
Alone among God’s Primates, He Kills for Sport or Lust or Greed.
Yea, He will Murder His Brother to Possess His Brother’s Land.
Let Him not breed in great numbers, for He will make a Desert of His Home and Yours.
Shun Him; drive Him back into His Jungle Lair, for He is the Harbinger of Death.