The Bible says though our sins are as red as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow. Though they are as red as crimson, they shall be as white as wool. Therefore come and let us reason together.
For those who are weary and burdenned by the unrighteous acts of darkeness, Jesus Christ died for us on the cross at Calvary so that if we put our faith in him, he will forgive us our sins and gives the power to become sons and daughters of God.
Which, in layman's terms means that we are all born "sinners", shall remain "sinners" (even 'til we die) but as long as we believe and worship Christ, we will all go to a better place than the non-believers (who will all go to Hell for their ignorant, non-belief), and as long as we believe, are afraid of punishment, and are willing to remain in a perpetual state of judgement, then we're off to Heaven.
Yep, you can be a multiple murderer and REPENT, then go to heaven. You can be the nicest, kindest, GOODest person on earth, never harm a fly, spread love, but NOT believe, and you're going to Hell.
Christians wonder why people laugh at them. It's because they're insane.