Watergate 2.0 in Progress


I know memes are the shiny objects to to the ignorant, but why don’t you post the rest of what Starr said?

Oh that’s right because ignorance.

“It cannot happen, as I see it, under Justice Department policy that’s enforceable on [special counsel] Bob Mueller,” Starr added.

Whether or not the president can be indicted in Mueller’s probe has been an issue of contention.

The analysis by Starr, whose investigation into Clinton eventually led to his impeachment, is widely consistent with the what Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani told CNN last month.

“They can’t indict. At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling, they acknowledged that to us,” Giuliani said of Mueller’s team. “



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Still grabbing for any straw :1orglaugh

His main dirthandler got 3 years, that is not disputable, or is it?
Still grabbing for any straw :1orglaugh

His main dirthandler got 3 years, that is not disputable, or is it?

He got 3 years when he should received 20 years for his crimes beyond anything he pleaded to.
He pleaded to crimes that will never be argued in court and if they had been, they would have been thrown out.
So, the prosecution had him over a barrel. Plead to what we want you to plead to or do 20 years for your real crimes.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Librul sunuvabich!11! zomg!



If you were watching Fox News when the Michael Cohen sentence came down, you would be pretty sure this was bad news for Donald Trump’s former fixer. Less clear was what it meant for the president himself.

For clarity on that, you would have had to wait a couple of hours until anchor Shepard Smith invited the reliably frank Judge Andrew Napolitano on his afternoon news hour to explain just how bad the day’s news was for Trump.

“We’ve learned that federal prosecutors here in New York City, not Bob Mueller and his team in Washington, D.C., career prosecutors here in New York City, have evidence that the president of the United States committed a felony by ordering and paying Michael Cohen to break the law,” the judicial analyst said. “How do we know that? They told that to a federal judge.”

“Under the rules, they can’t tell that to a federal judge unless they actually have that hardcore evidence,” he continued. “Under the rules, they can’t tell that to a federal judge unless they intend to do something with that evidence.”

Now those same federal prosecutors have entered into an agreement with AMI, the National Enquirer’s parent company, “which ties a bow on all of this,” Napolitano added, “which connects the dots between the payments to the two women who claim they had intimate relationships with the president, and the line running through all of that is the president himself.”

“Prosecutors have told us through these filings that they have evidence that the president committed a felony?” Smith asked his guest.

“The felony is paying Michael Cohen to commit a felony,” Napolitano concluded. “It’s pretty basic.”

Fuck Trumptards; Stupid, Immoral, & Criminal.
Except that Cohen pleaded to something that isn’t a felony, for the sake of a reduced sentence for the other crimes unrelated that he committed.. All in his best interests. You get your legal knowledge from talking points, I got mine from one of the top law schools in the country and 27 years as a practicing attorney.

Napalitano may be the most consistently wrong legal analyst on TV.

So let me get this straight, Congress has a slush fund to do essentially the same thing that Cohen paid these women for, but they do it with taxpayer money, and it's not a crime even though if that info were divulged it could affect their respective reelection campaigns.

Got it.
So let me get this straight, Congress has a slush fund to do essentially the same thing that Cohen paid these women for, but they do it with taxpayer money, and it's not a crime even though if that info were divulged it could affect their respective reelection campaigns.

Got it.


Fuck Bingo, Yahtzee!!
He got 3 years when he should received 20 years for his crimes beyond anything he pleaded to.
He pleaded to crimes that will never be argued in court and if they had been, they would have been thrown out.
So, the prosecution had him over a barrel. Plead to what we want you to plead to or do 20 years for your real crimes.

Except that Cohen pleaded to something that isn’t a felony, for the sake of a reduced sentence for the other crimes unrelated that he committed.. All in his best interests. You get your legal knowledge from talking points, I got mine from one of the top law schools in the country and 27 years as a practicing attorney.

Napalitano may be the most consistently wrong legal analyst on TV.


As I was saying.


Napalitano is an idiot.
I know all you have are memes and we have picked apart everyone for the past week, but this one is just stupid. David Pecker is giving a statement as to his activity in the “ catch and kill” of the Karen McDougal story. It is completely legal and giving a statement is not “ testifying against”.

When Trump is re-elected ( and he will be) they’re gonna have to put you on suicide watch.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So insecure that you posted a pic of your boyfriends pistol, but you don't care what anyone thinks, right?

So insecure that you posted a pic of your boyfriends pistol, but you don't care what anyone thinks, right?





Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So this happened.

The Striking Similarities Between Why Trump’s and Nixon’s Personal Lawyers Were Sent to Prison

On Wednesday, a judge sentenced President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen to three years in prison. The sentencing comes four months after Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations and admitted that, per Trump’s “direction,” he had directed payments to adult film actor Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal during the 2016 campaign, in order to prevent their stories of alleged affairs with the then-candidate from getting out. In a statement at the sentencing, Cohen reportedly said that he had acted out of “blind loyalty” to Trump and that he “felt it was [his] duty to cover up his dirty deeds.”

For a White House that has frequently drawn parallels to the turmoil of the Watergate era, Cohen’s sentencing adds one more tick to the list. Herbert W. Kalmbach, President Richard Nixon’s personal lawyer, received a prison sentence on June 17, 1974, exactly two years after the Watergate break-in, for funneling hush money to Watergate defendants.

