Watergate 2.0 in Progress


I don't know why don't you ask General Powell

Hey genius! Powell, like many other officials had a private email account that was subject to FOIA requests.

Not a private server like pantsuit did.

Probably time to back off of the weed or the 3 day Vegas jaunts.
Comey has asked for more staff and funding to deepen the investigation about the issues with Trump's campaign and staff and Russia. He did not vow to leave this topic alone to die off. So he was fired. Watergate. 2.0

Your faith will die off, too, come time and more details being published. For now, I pity your foolishness.

Bless your heart.

McCabe testifies that the FBI did NOT seek more funding


I tried to link it from somewhere other than Ben Shapiro's site but McCabe's testimony is his testimony no matter where I link it from.

Shocking that none of the more prominent sites are reporting it.

I wonder why?.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
That Clinton cunt would have kept Comey on the job until he committed suicide under suspicious circumstances. Fuck you, Supa. This whole thing was in motion since election night and every fucking leftwit cock chugger was screaming for Comey's head and saying he couldn't be trusted. The President and his AG had to wait for the AAG to finish his recommendation and followed established protocol. Suck it.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Of course, you are still going through the usual stages of dealing with this.

Laughing sure helps.

Have a great day


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
How blatantly can you lie? Please, stop the BS.

Oy veh!
How blatantly can you lie? Please, stop the BS.

Oy veh!

Of course your team is failing you. How about maybe giving them more than an hours notice that you're going to fire the FBI Director? I'm no fan of Spicey and the other stooges but this isn't their fault. They're being set up to fail. He goes on national TV and contradicts everything they said the previous day completely throwing them under the bus. Why would anyone want to work for him after this?

Trump did the lengthy interview with Holt even though some on his staff believed it was a bad idea and gave his answers off-the-cuff. One person who spoke to him said he’d been “fixated” on his news coverage and believed his press team was failing him and that he needed “to take the situation into his own hands.”

The episode highlights two fundamental issues of the Trump presidency: It is often impossible to work for Trump in the White House — and it is often impossible for Trump to be happy with those who work for him.

“They’re hostages,” said longtime political consultant Mark Corallo, who served as Attorney General John Ashcroft’s spokesman under President George W. Bush.

In the span of a dizzying few hours, the president contradicted the vice president and his press secretary, who had maintained for two days that Trump fired Comey because Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested it. Trump instead said the department was in “turmoil” even though he’d previously offered praise for Comey, even blowing him a kiss.



"Grassley told committee members at an executive meeting that he and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had met with Comey last week, and that he had briefed them on who the targets of the various investigations are.

“Senator Feinstein and I heard nothing that contradicted the President’s statement,” he said.

Feinstein then said after Grassley’s statement, “I very much appreciate what you’ve said and it’s very accurate, and we were briefed.”

Stop trying to make Russia a thing.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
That bunch can't even agree on one lie. And Trump's ego blew the top off of it.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Waiting for the leaking of the "Pee-Pee" videos. Man, that will be a truely golden day for your country!
