Wandering SC governor admits straying

It was just an FYI, nothing personal. Didn't realize you'd be offended. :dunno:

No offense. Just mere curiosity as to where that came from when I replied to and addressed the specific adultery angle.
Interesting. Only problem is he didn't commit the adultery (as far as we know) in the state.

Politically it my be a problem that he violated one of his states laws in spirit but I don't see this festering into a particular legal problem for him.

I would imagine there are a ton of scofflaws in S.C. though.

It also probably wouldn't be considered a serious enough offense to impeach, either.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yeah, he should've held out for a 5 1/2 like Monica Lewinsky :1orglaugh

Dang, you rate Monica that high?! :D

Everybody already knew that Slick Willy would screw a rattlesnake if he could get it to lay still. If he strayed, I expected Sanford's woman to be smokin' hot. But she looks more like the head maid at the hotel we stayed at a couple of weeks ago. I could see one of these country boy, Bible thumpers going ga-ga over a Gabriela Sabatini type. But tossing it all away over Esmerelda the maid?! :lame:
a republican cheatin on his wife,
family values ?
no - hypocrite ?

any brits on the board must recognise the same kinda pattern as you got with the 90's tories "back to basics" bullsh*t :1orglaugh
Dang, you rate Monica that high?! :D

Only on a good day, and even then only barely :D

Your point about Clinton & the rattlesnake is well taken lol, HOWEVER, as the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES he MUST have had opportunities to upgrade, no? I mean damn!, I don't condone adultery, but at least Kennedy had the common decency to do us proud by banging Marilyn Monroe, not some chubby intern :wtf:

It's a pretty sad day for our republic when a televangelist (Jim Bakker) is boning a much much hotter chick (Jessica Hahn) than the president :crying: :D
It's a troubling trend for the GOP for sure...we have barely let the dust settle from the John Ensign --Nevada--scandal of last week!

I'd love to just blame the GOP on being total sexually hypocritic clowns---Sanford was another Chest-thumping anti-Clinton Impeacher--but there is something to the whole "Power Corrupts" in Politics that crosses political parties, unfortunately...

I would have no problem if South Carolina Dems try to make him resign.

Yes, you're right that this kind of thing isn't ONLY a GOP phenomenon, but I would at this point be willing to bet (let's say, at least $300) that this sort of thing, be it of the merely adulterous or the truly criminal nature, is MORE common among Republicans. I say this as someone who really can't stand most Democrats and I have pretty much given up on the Democratic Party.

I just highly doubt that a list similar to this could be compiled for Dems. Maybe one half or a third as lengthy, but not like this....

There is still a violation. According to S.C. law, if the governor leaves the country, he's supposed to put someone in charge while he's gone, and he didn't. It's a relatively minor infraction, but it pains me that he was that stupid.

Yeah, right-wingers were all crazy about Clinton doing shit in the White House with Lewinsky, but hey, at least he was at work, on the ready, in case something occurred - all he would've needed to do was pull up his pants and hand Monica a towel.

Imagine if some huge disaster would've suddenly hit SC while Sanford was banging his honey. Say....a terrorist attack. Would've loved to hear his defense of it then!


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Only on a good day, and even then only barely :D

Your point about Clinton & the rattlesnake is well taken lol, HOWEVER, as the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES he MUST have had opportunities to upgrade, no? I mean damn!, I don't condone adultery, but at least Kennedy had the common decency to do us proud by banging Marilyn Monroe, not some chubby intern :wtf:

It's a pretty sad day for our republic when a televangelist (Jim Bakker) is boning a much much hotter chick (Jessica Hahn) than the president :crying: :D

Yeah, I hear ya. Since JFK and Bobby, none of them have had much to brag about, except for Gary Hart. Donna Rice was a smoking hot little tart. That Kathleen woman that claimed Slick man-handled her wasn't too bad looking (from memory). But he may have tried to be a pussy bandit with her, so we can't count her, I guess. The lounge singer wasn't too bad either - just had that slight Arkanas trailer trash look about her.

Not to speak ill of the dead, but if I woke up next to something that looked like Tammy Faye, I think I should be forgiven for most anybody (or anything) that I slept with after that. People should just be happy that I didn't turn homo after her. Yikes, she was scary looking!

The funny thing about Sanford is the Dems seem to want him to stay and the Repubs seem to want him to resign (or commit suicide).

I'm still in favor of doing what the ancient Romans did once a consul proved to be royally fucked up: take a dagger to him. :thumbsup:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, Sanford really is a dumbshit. There's a crappy pic of his Argentine mistress on Yahoo right now. She used to be a journalist. Based on the photo--she's about a 5. Very furry eyebrows, it looks. Sanford is married to a solid 8. If you're gonna cheat why not aim for a 10 :dunno:
Definitely one of the most surreal news conferences I have ever seen. No surprise to me as regardless of political stance one is bound to fail a spouse at some juncture. He should leave office as he did not inform anyone of whereabouts. I love Rush Limbaugh's excuse for the affair:


Aw, come on now, PLENTY of people don't fail their spouse in this EXTREME way, by cheating (and by running off to be with the mistress on Father's Day!).
Plenty of people DON'T cheat.

Well, Sanford really is a dumbshit. There's a crappy pic of his Argentine mistress on Yahoo right now. She used to be a journalist. Based on the photo--she's about a 5. Very furry eyebrows, it looks. Sanford is married to a solid 8. If you're gonna cheat why not aim for a 10 :dunno:

Woah, woah, there titsrock! I've not seen her pic yet, but are you dissin' eyebrows??? You mean crazy, unkempt furry, or just nice and thick? I'm very defensive of my brow girls... consider Jennifer Max's beautiful brows for a sec!
Woah, woah, there titsrock! I've not seen her pic yet, but are you dissin' eyebrows??? You mean crazy, unkempt furry, or just nice and thick? I'm very defensive of my brow girls... consider Jennifer Max's beautiful brows for a sec!

Sorry, but WAXING is one of the greatest beauty routines our ladies do and someone needs to introduce WAXING to the regime of Maria Belen Chapur...


Even if I could look beyond the furr on top...I'm not sure there's even a rack on Mrs Chapur to intice me...:dunno:

Now, Mrs Sanford, on the other hand, may have been a an actual Betty "back in the day"...based on this photo--I put her at a 7/10....which is still better than the 5/10 that Chapur is batting.....
Sorry, but WAXING is one of the greatest beauty routines our ladies do and someone needs to introduce WAXING to the regime of Maria Belen Chapur...


Even if I could look beyond the furr on top...I'm not sure there's even a rack on Mrs Chapur to intice me...:dunno:

Now, Mrs Sanford, on the other hand, may have been a an actual Betty "back in the day"...based on this photo--I put her at a 7/10....which is still better than the 5/10 that Chapur is batting.....

"tits.." without knowing your familiarity on South American women I'm assuming you sorely underestimate the power of the in person beauty of these women.

I don't think we can really glean much from that pic other than her general features but I wouldn't be at all shocked if this woman came across as phenomenally hot in person or in a moving video.
"tits.." without knowing your familiarity on South American women I'm assuming you sorely underestimate the power of the in person beauty of these women.

I don't think we can really glean much from that pic other than her general features but I wouldn't be at all shocked if this woman came across as phenomenally hot in person or in a moving video.

We have uncovered the exception to the South American Rule....I can't get by those furry monsters on Mrs Chapur

Now, granted, Mrs Sanford looks like she stepped straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, but maybe she had a bit of the "freak" in her 20 years ago:dunno:
Even if I could look beyond the furr on top...I'm not sure there's even a rack on Mrs Chapur to intice me...:dunno:

Your eyesight must be going from watching so much Matt Leinart porn :1orglaugh

Look at that picture more closely. The convexity of her sweater and the frontal drape of the jacket clearly indicate she's got rackage, and possibly even fairly substantial rackage.

She also looks rather sultry, as well as younger than Mrs. Sanford, who looks like she just stepped out of a Leave It To Beaver episode.

On balance I could definitely live with the eyebrows :love-smi: