Wal-Mart worker killed during black Friday sales

If you went out today, and were not working, fuck you. You are a complete and total waste of human existence, go blow a sheep. :blowjob:

I went out on Friday... but it was just to get drunk with a couple of my friends :glugglug:


I watched more than one person wheeling out one or two LCD TV's. What the fuck? Do you suck off your accountant, or is he just that good? Fucking hell.
I don't get it, you mean "wheeling out" as in theft ?. . . unpaid for merchandise ?

We sold almost 400,000 dollars worth of stupid fucking toys, and electronics before fucking NOON.
Guitar Hear-o :crash:
If you went out today, and were not working, fuck you.
:wtf: !!! I went out . . . . of the house . .. on the day after txgvn. and wasn't working. For where was it written that a curfew was in effect ?
If I recall correctly, I slept 'till about 11 AM on Fri AM . .I got up, S, S & S'ed (Shit, Shaved & Showered) and off I was to to my nearest, neighborhood (little guy) liquor retailer . . . did I ask Mr. Singh, liquor retailer, for a 25 % off sale (blk friday) only NO !
He did mention that he'd like me to even up the running tab I have with him, for which I obliged. Good natured people, those Indians :thumbsup:
Singh laughs when I scramble into his liquor shoppe, grab a bottle off the shelf, show him the label while in transit, and continue off, into the sunset.
You know what's a deal? Buy one get one free steaks. That's a fucking deal.
Yeah it is ! Where ARE the two fer one New York Steaks ? I'm gettin' hungry ! :yummie:
What economic crisis?!

I drive a truck for a living and every parking lot in every town - Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Staples, Best Buy, big old mall - was jammed, not to mention every Dunkin' Donuts had a line out the wazoo, 'cause we could never ever ever do our shopping without a coffee.

I really hope all these folks paid with cash.

Excellent point! Depression! Everyone driving their suv's with a cell phone planted in their head. Stores crowded, people buying, resturants jammed, kids more spoiled than ever. I guess if there is a fault with this people will blame George Bush.
I wonder if the same naysayers will be blaming Obama in 2 years?

Anyone else think these stupid sales are getting way out of control?

This is so terribly sad. That's the fucking christmas spirit! Let someone get trampled over a christmas trinket for someone. One lady even complained that the store closed because someone was killed!!!
See, this is where I wonder, "Where is god in all this?" How can he allow this to happen? What if that man had a family and kids? Merry Christmas.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
What boggles me is this happens year after year...by now don't you think that stores would have some sort of SOP (standard of procedure)??

Then again, I can't say much about the people here. Why they probably won't trample people over a sale...they will trample people for a free space on the metro or train... :mad:
Excellent point! Depression! Everyone driving their suv's with a cell phone planted in their head. Stores crowded, people buying, resturants jammed, kids more spoiled than ever. I guess if there is a fault with this people will blame George Bush.
I wonder if the same naysayers will be blaming Obama in 2 years?

We really do live in a society that isn't thinking for themselves anymore. They hear on the radio / tv / newspaper that the economy is in turmoil and they believe it, even though they themselves have had to make no sacrifices what-so-ever. They still have a nice plasma tv (or 2), they still have three cars, they still have more than enough food in their cupboards, they still have cell phones and navigation units for their vehicles, they still have way too many DVDs, too many video games, too much of everything. The 'economic crisis' is nothing more than a wake up call to those living outside of their means; it is a crash course in 21st century economics - it is now up to you to learn the real value of money, like it or not.

It's obviously George Bush's fault. Every single one of the worlds ills is his fault (I learned that from Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart). It's always the person who is in charge who is accountable, regardless of the man in mirror not holding up his end of the bargain.
What boggles me is this happens year after year...by now don't you think that stores would have some sort of SOP (standard of procedure)??

Very good point Petra.

It speaks volumes regarding why we need reglementation about everything in our societies. Peoples (or companies in this case) are not able to act with responsability, neither feel accountable regarding this kind of event.

Having say that, i just feel a little more cynical now... and i havent speak regarding the responsability of customers themselves yet :(


Closed Account
I hate shopping at wall-mart let alone be cuaght dead thier on black Friday.
Oh oooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppsssssssssss sorry.

Anyone else think these stupid sales are getting way out of control?

Actually its not the sales that are getting out of control, its the idiots that are involved that let this happen. It amazes me how pathetic people are when it comes to consumerism. These morons could not wait their turn to get into the store, and I blame the store for it as well. And some poor guy loses his life over this bullshit. If they did not pull these "great sale prices" bullshit that is only for a limited time, this type of shit would not happen. I know this girl that was standing in line at Wal-Mart at 1am in the morning for that stupid 4am opening bullshit of theirs. Its such crap, all this insanity for shit that is probably going to break in less than a year. Someday someone will explain what the insanity is over consumerism. Keeping buying garbage that you don't use or don't need and blah blah blah blah. Personally I am a minimalist, I try to keep the amount of that type of garbage to a minimum. Its funny, when I see people open their garage doors and its packed with shit that they probably haven't seen in years and their car is sitting outside.....duhhh. I think I am one of few people that actually keeps their car in the garage, and has a minimal of crap stored away that will never get used.

Umm, the last time I checked the economy was bad right now and I'm not spending my money on anything except what I really need..

Well, just my :2 cents:
I can't totally blame the crowd. I think this has to be some kind of commentary about how the working class people of the nation are so screwed that they're willing to beat the hell out of each other so that they can afford to buy shit. why would people do that?

the poor doesn't do it because they can't afford anything ever and they've learned to live without it. the rich are so insulated from the rest of society that nothing has any value to them. the rest of the population are hyenas tearing each other apart for the scraps.

This is worthy of Post of the Week.
I can see why the family is suing Wal-Mart (and I refuse to say whether I agree with that or not), but the police department???


Hiliary 2020
I can see why the family is suing Wal-Mart (and I refuse to say whether I agree with that or not), but the police department???

Why not?
Sue everybody.
they should even sue you for talking about it without express written consent.

Actually this incident makes me sad.
Society has come to this?
i think if there is video of this the first people who contacted this man and knocked him down should be identified and charged with manslaughter or some sort of endangerment leading to a death.
I can see why the family is suing Wal-Mart (and I refuse to say whether I agree with that or not), but the police department???

I believe the charge will be that the Police acknowledged that WalMart's sales strategy posed certain risk and yet they walked away from this pending risk. The Police were complicit with WalMart's failure to address security concerns basically....

I don't think the goal is to have anyone arrested or drain the budget of the police department...but maybe compel the police into taking a proactive approach to this situation. Clearly the police department's position of "Walmart this is going to be a bad situation, do something about it..." didn't work.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Regardless if suits of Walmart and the police department are valid, what really pisses me off is people's lack of personal responsibility. They act like animals fighting over the last bone on earth then turn around and point their finger at everyone else.
I find it hard to believe anybody would think the police could come up with every possible dangerous situation that can happen and tell the people about it. At some point it's just common sense.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
GARDEN CITY, N.Y. – The family of a worker trampled to death in a "Black Friday" crush of bargain hunters at a Long Island Wal-Mart store filed a wrongful-death lawsuit on Wednesday, claiming store ads offering deep discounts "created an atmosphere of competition and anxiety" that led to "crowd craze."

So, if some crazed fan punches me in the face and kills me during an AFC Championship game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Cleveland Browns, my family can just sue the Cleveland Browns, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the respective stadium and the entire NFL just for "creating an atmosphere of competition and anxiety" which led to "crowd craze"...???

No. I'm sorry to sound heartless, but this family needs to get bitch slapped like no one's ever been bitch slapped before.

Oh, and notice how they're not suing the person/people who actually killed the guy by trampeling him to death? Gee, I wonder if they're actually looking for justice, or if they're just suing the people with the most money in order to make a quick buck. Hmm, I wonder...

I don't think that the sale is the big problem. I think it's the public mentality of "OH MY GOD, everything is going to sell out in the first 5 minutes, so I have to rush through the store as fast as I can, or else my family won't get good presents!!!"

People need to realize that nobody is going to like the gifts they get them anyway, so why make a big fuss about buying them?


This isn't Wal-Mart's fault.

It's not the sales fault.

It is the fault of the "have-it-now," entitlement society that we are rapidly devolving into and the inability of people to control themselves, take no responsibility for personal action and always try to cast blame elsewhere.

Plain and simple, humans turned into savages that day for material "wants."

Personally I think they should review as many surveillance tapes as possible and if they can identify anyone who came into contact with the worker without rendering aid the District Attorney should prosecute them for manslaughter to the fullest extent of the law.
No, it is not Walmart's fault.
But it is a testament to the power of this one of 2 Dow components that actually finished this hellish year up!
Gotta buy me some of that.